New Telehealth Resources via the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC) Website
Below is a selection of new resources now available via the SWTRC website, thoughtfully curated to meet the diverse telehealth needs across our region.
Accessibility: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on national origin, including language preferences. It mandates that recipients of federal financial assistance take reasonable steps to ensure their programs, services, and activities are accessible to individuals with limited English proficiency. In support of complying with these requirements, we have compiled a list of translation service providers and accessibility tools.
Billing Guides and Resources: The Center for Connected Health Policy has released a factsheet summarizing the telehealth-related provisions finalized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the Contract Year 2025 Final Physician Fee Schedule.
Billing Guides and Resources: The Center for Connected Health Policy published their annual State Telehealth Laws & Medicaid Program Policies which provides the most current status of telehealth policy in the states (and jurisdictions), and also includes their Policy Finder tool.
Broadband: “Connecting for Health: The Importance of Broadband in Digital Health” – A consumer-facing brochure created by the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers outlining why reliable and affordable internet access is essential for individuals needing to access digital health resources. This fact sheet serves as a helpful starting point for consumer questions about broadband internet access.
Cybersecurity: Rural healthcare facilities face cyberattack threats to their operations and finances similar to those of larger healthcare systems but often lack the in-house expertise and financial resources needed to safeguard their data or effectively respond to an attack. This webpage offers guides and resources to support rural healthcare facilities.
For Healthcare Providers: Three new resources: Best Practice Guide – Telehealth for Rural Areas; Emergency Plans for Telehealth Visits; and Using Telehealth for Hybrid Care Best Practice Guide.
For Patients: Two new resources: Can I use Telehealth if I Live in a Rural Area? and Getting Care through Telehealth.
Recent Telehealth News
National Rural Health Association Policy Brief: “Telehealth has been instrumental in improving health care access for rural populations, significantly reducing both the travel burden and the overall cost of care. For rural Americans, who often face considerable geographic and financial challenges in accessing health care, telehealth can represent a crucial bridge to essential services.”
Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Proposes Funding Telehealth Access Points at Non-VA Facilities: “The proposed rule, which is slated to be published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, said the grant program would focus on creating telehealth access points ‘in rural, highly rural or medically underserved areas’.”
VA Proposes to Eliminate Copays for Telehealth, Expand Access to Telehealth for Rural Veterans: On November 11, 2024, “The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced that it is proposing to eliminate copayments for all VA telehealth services and establish a grant program to fund designated VA telehealth access points in non-VA facilities, with a focus on rural and medically underserved communities.”
New DEA Rule Extends Controlled Substance Telemedicine Prescribing Flexibilities One More Year: “The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) just released a new regulation temporarily extending the COVID-era flexibilities for prescribing controlled substances via telemedicine. This third extension continues the ‘full set’ of telemedicine prescribing flexibilities, referencing the two DEA letters that authorized telemedicine waivers, with a new expiration date of December 31, 2025.”
2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule: On November 1, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a final rule outlining updates to Medicare payments under the Physician Fee Schedule and other Medicare Part B policies, effective January 1, 2025. A fact sheet summarizes these changes and updates for the 2025 calendar year.
SWTRC Event Highlights
6th Annual Statewide Tribal Veteran Symposium, November 15th
We were honored to be invited to present and exhibit at this event. Carrie Foote and Michael Holcomb delivered a presentation titled, “Telehealth: Bridging Health Equity or Widening Disparities.
Office Hours: CMS’ 2025 Final Ruling on the MPFS, December 10th
On December 10th, nationally renowned coding and billing expert Carol Yarbrough led an engaging, Office Hours-style webinar. Participants arrived ready with their questions, and Carol delivered expert insights and practical answers. The session also featured an in-depth update on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' 2025 Final Rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, shedding light on key changes and their implications for medical practices in the coming year. If you were unable to attend the webinar, you can view it at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H713P46Vfdc
State-Specific Telehealth Resources
Each state in our region has distinct telehealth laws and policies. The Center for Connected Health Policy provides a comprehensive overview for each state, offering valuable insights into these variations. Arizona: https://www.cchpca.org/arizona/ Colorado: https://www.cchpca.org/colorado/ Nevada: https://www.cchpca.org/nevada/ New Mexico: https://www.cchpca.org/new-mexico/
National Directory of Clinical Telemedicine and Telehealth Service Providers Search the Service Provider Directory to find clinical telemedicine and telehealth service providers. Filter your search by state, specialty, customer type, and ancillary services.