Telehealth always has been a key pillar of technology-enabled care delivery that helps hospitals, health systems and group practices deliver quality care at a distance – and often also gain efficiencies, improve patient and provider satisfaction and save costs.
But as 2020 unfolds, with the COVID-19 pandemic severely testing health-system capacity, telehealth is stepping up. Virtual care and remote monitoring have never before been in the spotlight as they are today.
As federal officials remove many of the regulatory and reimbursement barriers that have hindered more widespread telehealth adoption in the past, providers nationwide are using new technologies to deliver care amid social-distancing efforts to prevent coronavirus spread. Some vendors are even giving away products and services free.
Here’s a selection of just some of the many telehealth vendors out there, along with descriptions of their offerings, for healthcare organizations who might want to make use of the technology during this unprecedented time. Check back for additions in the days and weeks ahead.
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