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    ATP & SWTRC Educational events

    Arizona Telehealth Program
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    Arizona Telemedicine Program and Southwest Telehealth Resource Center
    Upcoming Events Icon
    July 17, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm MST (UTC -7*)
    Arizona Telemedicine Council
    Click here to find out more and to register
    July 16, 2024 12:00pm MST (UTC -7*)
    Forensic Healthcare in Tribal Communities
    Click here to find out more and to register
    July 16, 2024
    HRSA National Telehealth Conference
    Click here to find out more and to register
    July 23, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm MST (UTC -7*)
    CHANGING THE PARADIGM: Justice in the Community Food System for Growers, Suppliers and Consumers Part 3
    Click here to find out more and to register
    July 24, 2024 12:00pm MST (UTC -7*)
    Envenomations, Intoxications And Travel-Related Diseases. More Common Than You Think! What To Do.
    Click here to find out more and to register
    September 17, 2024 9:15am - 12:30pm MST (UTC -7*)
    ATP Training: Developing a Telemedicine Program
    Click here to find out more and to register

    Miss one of our webinars?  Our past webinars are available at

    *Please note that Arizona does not observe daylight savings time (DST).  Please visit for current time and time zone information including time offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).  Arizona is always UTC -7.  The Navajo Nation, partially located in Arizona, observes DST.

    Arizona AHEC Scholars Program
    Applications due September 24, 2024
    Click here to find out more and to register.

    On-Demand Video:
    AI in Telehealth
    Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PhD FSPIE, FSIIM, FATA, FAIMBE
    Director, Southwest Telehealth Resource Center
    Associate Director, Evaluation, Arizona Telemedicine Program

    On-Demand Video:
    State Telehealth Policy Landscape: 2024 Developments
    Quinn Sheann & Tara Sklar, JD MPH

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